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These just about explain how I’m currently feeling.

And one more in honor of Thanksgiving. 

But I can’t think about that right now.  I’m trying to finish all my school work (and therefore college in general), clean the house for family to come over, call plumbers and structural engineers to come look at our house, catch up on stuff at work, edit a bunch of pictures, think about what type of desserts I’m making for Thanksgiving on top of it I’ve been sick the past couple of days.  I’m not even letting myself think about decorating for Christmas yet. 

Let’s hear it for Mondays!  🙂

Tonight Stephen and I and two of our good friends are going to see Coldplay.

I’m so excited!  I don’t go to a lot of concerts, and even less big concerts like this.  (I think the last concert I’ve been to was Paul McCartney at Phillips Arena at least three years ago–needless to say it was amazing.)

Here’s a little sample of what I’ll see tonight (I can’t wait till they do this song!):

On a side note, I love my dad.  I had this conversation with him earlier:

Me: We’re going to a concert tonight.

Dad: Oh, really?  Who are you going to see?

Me: Coldplay.

Dad: Cold PLATE?

Me: No, Coldplay…P-L-A-Y

Dad: Never heard of them.

Me: They’re quite famous.

Dad: Oh.

Me: (Trying to make a connection for him.) Do you know Gwyneth Paltrow?

Dad: Who?

Me: Gwyneth Paltrow, the actress?

Dad: No.

Me: (Trying to think harder to make a connection to someone he maybe has heard of) OK, do you know her mom, Blythe Danner?

Dad: Who?

Me: The actress Blythe Danner?

Dad: No.  I’ve never heard of any of these people.

Me: OK.  Nevermind.   🙂

My fellow Americans:

I know many of you have been waiting for this day for a long time.  This day, which will place a definite mark in the history of our country.  A day we will be able to look back at as important and life changing.

Today, my friends, is my third wedding anniversary.

Yes, three years ago my husband and I had one of the happiest days of our lives.  We were surrounded by our family:

Our friends:


and a DeLorean:


There was lots of planning leading up to that day.

From the invitations:

To the decorations:




To the flowers:


And candles:

And pumpkins:


There was a dress:

A bride:

And her groom:

They met at a church:


And said ‘I do’:

Then they went to have some fun.

There was dancing.

And tasty food.

Then it was time to go.

All in all it was a wonderful, momentous day.

(In other national news, there is a major election today so get out and vote!  You’re running out of time!!)

(All pictures taken by Shari Zellers.)

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